Twenty-Four Later . . .

When I cover a sporting event for one of the local papers time is one of the important factors in getting game photos turned in. Depending on which publication I am sending them to, I typically have between one to two hours to look at upwards of 600 photographs, decide what ones I want to include in my gallery, and then to edit, add cut-lines and upload them to the papers. Usually I submit between 8 and 40 shots depending on the publication.

Well, that leaves sometimes as many as 500 photos that I don’t do anything with immediately. Granted, some of them are less than shots where I missed focus, a coach or official stepped in front of me or I just plain screwed up but some of them are pretty ok. That is where this new feature will come in. Around twenty-four hours after a game story runs in either the Oakland Press, the Livingston Daily or here on Michigan Sports Bucket I’ll post an additional gallery here. Today is it going to be in gallery format, other days I may do more of a blog style with comments on each photo and still other days, I might just do a combination with a full gallery and comments on a few of my favorites. Essentially, it is still evolving but one thing is for sure, you will get more photos of games I cover.